On Dec 28, 2007 1:33 PM, Rodolfo Lima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Van Every escreveu:
> > "Too" cumbersome?  Surely you jest.  What's a long-winded list of
> > patterns in terms of your development time?  Two minutes tops?
> Oh well... thanks for teaching me another word: jest, and I'm not being
> ironic.
> Back to business... imagine the following use case: a project mixes
> headers and source files all inside the same directory, along with other
> files. During install, I want to get all headers and copy to
> <prefix>/include/mylib. That's it. I think this is a very common
> scenario.

Do the REGEX and/or REGEX ... EXCLUDE signatures work?  If so, then
this is a low priority feature request.  A PATTERN spares the
programmer from having to learn how regexes work, but specifying these
kinds of inclusions and exclusions with regexes is trivial.

> > Sure, "it's easier."  Sounds like a low priority feature request to
> > me.  File it in the bug tracker.
> I could implement it if I knew that it would be committed to cvs, that's
> why I posted the idea here first.

Can't imagine why it wouldn't be.  You say it's easy to implement, and
it's not controversial.

> Happy new year,

Indeed!  Same.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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