On 02/17/2008 04:58 PM,  Alexander Neundorf wrote:
On Sunday 17 February 2008, blinkeye wrote:
Hi guys

I'm in the process of replacing Makefiles from two large projects with
CMake files. So far it's working great, but now I hit a wall:

I need to generate .cpp and .h files from input files (analogue to the
.ui files of Qt).
Imagine the following project layout:


${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE} will read sub1.ui and generate a file like
"ui_sub1.h". sub1.cpp and sub2.cpp both include the file "ui_sub1.h".

While above macro works for sub1 it doesn't work for sub2:
[ 20%] Generating ui_sub1.h
[ 40%] Generating moc_sub1.cxx
Scanning dependencies of target sub1
[ 60%] Building CXX object src/sub1/CMakeFiles/sub1.dir/sub1.o
[ 80%] Building CXX object src/sub1/CMakeFiles/sub1.dir/moc_sub1.o
Linking CXX executable sub1
[ 80%] Built target sub1
Scanning dependencies of target sub2
[100%] Building CXX object src/sub2/CMakeFiles/sub2.dir/sub2.o
/home/cerberos/Desktop/mutacts/dan/src/sub2/sub2.cpp:4:21: error:
ui_sub1.h: No such file or directory make[2]: ***
[src/sub2/CMakeFiles/sub2.dir/sub2.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/sub2/CMakeFiles/sub2.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
I tried for hours but I can't figure out a proper (or at least working)
way on how to achieve that. Changing above macro to include the path of
the generated header files doesn't seem to make a difference:

    FOREACH (it ${ARGN})
       GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(outfile ${it} NAME_WE)
       SET(outfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ui_${outfile}.h)
       include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} )
       ARGS -o ${outfile} ${infile}
       MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${infile})
       SET(${outfiles} ${${outfiles}} ${outfile})

For some reason the included directory is lost in sub2 again (btw: is
there a way to log the currently included directories besides analysing
the make output?).

In that respect include directories work the same way as variables, they are per directory, i.e. a sub directory inherits all the include dirs of its parent directory, but the include directories of a subdir don't influence the parent dir.

Did you try to put something like the following into sub2/CMakeLists.txt ?

Thanks for your prompt reply. Hmm, you're right, of course include_directories works like variables. Adding


seems to work, so much for "not to see the wood for the trees". Will try it at work tomorrow with the real codebase.
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