On 2/24/08, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 8:03 AM, E. Wing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Apple introduced
> > a second completely independent framework called Carbon, but they told
> > people they should use Cocoa to get first-class looking applications.
> Kitware + the CMake community do not have the resources of Apple.

I think you totally missed the point of my entire message. Carbon was
an example of a waste of resources. Apple barely had the resources to
support Carbon and why it is now deprecated. The point of the message
was that by embracing the flexibility of the Obj-C runtime, the
community was able to write language bindings themselves separating
the framework from the language. I believe Peter's original suggestion
was to cleanly separate the CMake project generation capabilities from
the scripting language. I was citing a real world case (Cocoa) where
this worked and how it was accomplished (Obj-C bridging).

> > Cocoa is by far the superior framework, but many developers unfamiliar
> > with NeXTSTEP or new to OS X refused to touch Cocoa because they
> > didn't want to learn Objective-C.
> Lua is significantly more popular than Objective-C even today.
> http://www.tiobe.com/index.html?tiobe_index
> Find me evidence of people who refuse to touch Lua.

Again, you missed the point entirely. This isn't about Obj-C vs Lua or
any other languge. The point was that by providing a language bridge,
the whole language wars argument gets thrown out the window. The user
now gets to decide what language they want to use to access the Cocoa
framework. I believe Peter's suggestion is the same. People who want
to use CMake (the project generator) should be able to decide for
themselves what language they want to write in.

The only analogy worth drawing about refusing to touch Obj-C is the
same refusal to touch CMake's native scripting language. I would
extend that by stating that if people who could benefit directly from
Cocoa are refusing to touch an easy language like Obj-C (and ignore
the bridges) which has some really awesome features and elegance that
C# users are only starting to figure out, then even fewer people are
going to be willing to use CMake-script.

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