Alexander Neundorf wrote:
On Wednesday 27 February 2008, Guillaume Damiand wrote:

I have discovered cmake one week ago and I am very impressed by its
powerful and facility of using.

However, I have a problem concerning dependencies and I have not found
any solutions in forums or documentations.

I use 3 types of files .hh et .cc (as usual) and .icc for inline
fonctions. I have two macros INCLUDE_INLINE and INCLUDE_NON_INLINE which
allow, given a compilation option, to include an .icc file into a .hh or
a .cc depending if we want to inline fonctions or not.

cmake already scans the source files for included files.
In your case the included .icc files are not found ?
You can check e.g. CMakeFiles/<target>.dir/depend.internal for that.
If that's the case I think you can adjust some regular expression variable so that your include fioes are also recognized.

The problem is that cmake does not expand macros, it only looks for #include lines. In this case the #include lines are macros, so cmake can't figure out what is being included. A work around that we use in kwsys is this:

#include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/iostream)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/fstream)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/sstream)

// Work-around CMake dependency scanning limitation.  This must
// duplicate the above list of headers.
#if 0
# include ""
# include ""
# include ""
# include ""
# include ""

I am thinking we may want to look at a more general fix to this problem. Feel free to create a feature request.

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