I am trying to use CMake to create the build information for MS Visual
Studio .NET 2003 including some QT UIs. I added the following code to
create the accordant building rules. Due to readability i give only some
examples. I realized creation with a loop over all necessary uis and
looping works fine :-)
QT executables were also set correct.

SET (_ui C:/.../view_tool/tmp/intf/zoom_to_tile_by_id.h)
SET (_file C:/.../view_tool/ui/zoom_to_tile_by_id.ui)
                       COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE}
                      ARGS -o ${_ui} ${_file} 
                      COMMENT "Creating intf ${_ui} from ui ${_file}"
SET (_ui C:/...view_tool/tmp/intf/data_search.h)
SET (_file C:/.../view_tool/ui/data_search.ui)
                       COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE}
                   ARGS -o ${_ui} ${_file} 
                  COMMENT "Creating intf ${_ui} from ui ${_file}"

The problem is, that for the first ui (and some other in the whole list
too) there is no CMake rule created, but for the second file (and some
other files of the whole list) it is. If i expand the outputfiles by a
leading "ui_", i.e.:

SET (_ui C:/...view_tool/tmp/intf/ui_data_search.h)
SET (_file C:/.../view_tool/ui/data_search.ui)
                       COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE}
                   ARGS -o ${_ui} ${_file} 
                  COMMENT "Creating intf ${_ui} from ui ${_file}"

there will be no rules created. I can't imagine where the problem is,
because the code is nearly the same as in the QT4_WRAP_UI macro
delivered with CMake.

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