Xin XU wrote:
Hello Bill,

Thanks for your reply! I am using: CMake 2.4 patch 8 on Windows XP. I wrote
a set of small C++ codes. When I put my codes and CMakeLists.txt on a Linux
PC, the CMake works fine.
When I put them on my Windows XP PC and asking CMake to configure for
Microsoft Visual Studio 8, I got the error shown in the attachment. Sorry, I
could not copy the text down, so I used print screen. Hope you can see that.

OK, so it looks like ifort is not working from the command line. Can you run ifort by hand from a shell and compiler a fortran program? Are you running CMakeSetup from the SAME shell or command prompt that runs ifort? Also, please post to the cmake list and not to me directly. There maybe and most likely are people who have seen this error and know what to do to fix it. (I am not one of them, so please repost the error message to the list.)

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