Filipe Sousa wrote:
Alan W. Irwin wrote:
On 2008-03-25 14:28-0400 Bill Hoffman wrote:

--- build all of paraview with nothing needing a build:

make  15.21s user 5.55s system 74% cpu 28.049 total
make  15.44s user 5.35s system 98% cpu 21.073 total

make -j5

real    6m13.039s
user    20m42.308s
sys     2m43.996s

user+system = 20.76s and 20.79s for the two runs.

make  14.40s user 5.09s system 59% cpu 32.793 total
make  14.73s user 4.74s system 98% cpu 19.684 total
user+system = 19.49s and 19.47s for the two runs

make -j5

real    6m14.700s
user    20m39.125s
sys     2m46.430s

Is that 6 minutes?? The test is to run make in a tree that has everything already built. We not trying to measure the speed of the compiler but rather the speed of make checking the depend information.

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