
One of my users reported that the filenames of several header files appeared in the advanced section when using CMakeSetup/ccmake. Eventually I tracked down the problem to some macro using find_file. It turns out that the variable where find_file (and family) reports the result is automatically cached whether I like or not. My code was using "mark_as_advanced" but that was not enough as my users just didn't want the variable in the GUI at all.

Eventually I came up with the following trivial macro "mark_as_internal" which I used to hide away these unwanted variables:

macro ( mark_as_internal _var )
 set ( ${_var} ${${_var}} CACHE INTERNAL "hide this!" FORCE )
endmacro( mark_as_internal _var )

but I wonder:

Is there a better way?

Shouldn't ALL the commands that create/define variables (like find_*) accept a NO_CACHE option? or at the very least an INTERNAL option?


Fernando Cacciola

CMake mailing list

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