
I have a complicated situation :). I avoided the kind of approach, that you suggest because it's not modular - main project file contains add_subdirectory commands, which have to be maintained "by hand" - you can see the non-modular information leak here: "add_subdirectory( liba )".

The task is to convert ~100 projects with acyclic (non-tree) dependencies to cmake. It would be nice to double-click on any project in the graph and have the build system figure out the needed dependencies from "lower" levels automatically. The reason that I want to have subgraph builds is that VS would probably break if I included the whole beast at once :).


Amitha Perera wrote:
Bätge wrote:
 >  ADD_DEPENDENCIES( exea liba )
 >  ADD_DEPENDENCIES( exeb liba )


Egon: as Stephan says, you want to avoid this include() stuff. That is only useful some complicated situations. What you want is probably something like this: (I added a libb for fun.)

  add_library( liba ... )

  add_library( libb ... )

  add_executable( exea )
  target_link_libraries( exea liba libb )

  add_executable( exeb )
  target_link_libraries( exeb liba libb )

  PROJECT( proj )
  add_subdirectory( liba )
  add_subdirectory( exea )
  add_subdirectory( exeb )

(You may be able to to the last step from a proj subdirectory, as you had in your original email, but I can't remember right now if that is a 2.4.x feature or a 2.6.x feature.)

If you move to CMake 2.6, you can even create self-standing sub-project solutions. (I think CMake 2.4 doesn't quite do that, but I could be wrong.)


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