
>  I am currently trying to convert a big project containing Fortran and C
> sources to use CMake. There are lots of circular dependencies between
> libraries,
>  so I either have to specify libraries on the link line multiple times or
> use the linker options --start-group and --end-group for ld on Linux.
>  It seems that CMake throws out multiple references to the same library in
> the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES statement, but anyway I would rather use
>  --start-group and --end-group, so I don't have to hunt down all those
> dependencies explicitly. Is there any way to make CMake use these options?
>  It is important to specify them on the right place on the command line,
> i.e. --start-group before the first library and --end-group after the last
> relevant.

To keep this alive: This is an issue for me, too. Using --start-group
and --end-group was the path we took with conventional Makefiles so
far and it worked just fine.

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