So, I take it that this isn't possible? Is there a way to make a feature request?

It seems to me to be a very important thing to do when developing applications on multiple
platforms, which cmake is intended for.

What would be nice is a variable that can be set which would allow the developer to tweak or completely override the object code path. This would allow me to use the same sources to compile for linux 32 bit. Linux 64 bit. Mac OS X and windows as well as release/debug versions of each. While it might seem goofy, it saves on compile time when making changes for platform A and checking that they don't break B,C,D. Keeping your sources in separate folders will work, but keeping them up to date can be a pain. RSync and other things can work, but can also be
a point of error if you forget to sync up or whatever.

Another option would be to allow something like configure, where you allow the user to specify where the script is run (such as cd build-dbg; ../configure) I tried doing this, but it didn't have
any effect on the make scripts and object code paths.


Eric Torstenson wrote:
Hi All,

I'm compiling my application on 4 platforms (linux 32 bit, linux 64 bit, windows and mac) I would like to use my linux source tree for all of them without having to recompile the whole thing each time I change from one platform to the next.

Is there a way to do that? I looked at CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, but it looks like it is the destination of the end products themselves, and not the intermediate stuff.


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