On Saturday 03 May 2008 21:11:03 Michael Andronov wrote:
> Hi, Yuiri -
> Thank you for your speedy reply to my question.
> >>> ...you mean under "solution/project structure"?
> In plain  .NET 2005, I was able to create the following:
>  solution foo,
>  project `library' within foo.
>   another solution samples, { it was shown as a small file folder within
> foo solution }
>   and project example1 within solution samples.... { which was shown as
> project within above    'samles' subfolder...}
> Visually, above structure was close to what I was expecting...  And I was
> searching for the way to reproduce similar with CMake...
> I was  not working on Windows for a while, and may be my above exercise
> with .NET was not
> absolutely correct.
> >>>AFAIK VC supports only plain projects lists...
> I was able to build a plain project lists, with proper dependencies... and
> even build everything properly...
> I was looking for some kind of 'icing on cake top' - to make the examples,
> and library project visualized in a better fashion.
> If my above exercise with .NET is somehow wrong, and only plain projects
> allowed - I'm a happy person since job is done :).
> Thanks once again for your attention to this matter.
> Michael.
I see... This feature named "Solution Folders" in terms of Visual Studio. 

There is already such ticket in bug tracker: 

Also, I suppose this syntax may be useful not only for visual studio, but for 
other IDEs. XCode AFAIK supports some sort of projects grouping too.

If speculate further, in plain makefiles they may be represented as phony 
targets, which cause build of every project which enters group (User may 
build all projects in folder). Though this is now possible with 
add_custom_target command.

> On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Timenkov Yuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Saturday 03 May 2008 05:35:02 Michael Andronov wrote:
> > > Let me explain briefly my question:
> > >
> > > I have the following dir structure with my source file:
> > >   foo/
> > >       library/{ some code here for the library}
> > >       samples/
> > >                    example1/{  some code here for example 1}
> > >                    example2/{  some code here for example 2}
> > >
> > > My goal is to create VC++ solution/project structure which will be
> >
> > similar
> >
> > > for above file structure:
> > >   solution FOO/
> >
> > AFAIK VC supports only plain projects lists. But it still able to set
> > correct
> > dependencies between them. Or what do you mean under "solution/project
> > structure"?
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