Good morning,

thanks for all your comments. Here are the results:

- it seems to me that cmake is building console applications by default (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE). That is correct for my .com applications. For the .exe, I will need WINDOWS subsystem. Any possiblities in cmake?

- for the suffix, I Alan's suggestion (SUFFIX property for SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES) works like a charm. Thanks.


John Drescher napsal(a):
 I know for a fact that this is not correct. I have written my own
 single windows applications that have a gui and a console and it is a
 .exe. Link the gui application with subsystem console.

Ok. I found what I do. I have a post build step (in a vc6 project
.dsp) that changes the subsystem to console after the build.

PostBuild_Cmds=editbin /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE $(TARGETPath)

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