Hi Mathieu,

which cmake version are you using, the cygwin one or the native?

The responsible code in FindwxWidgets.cmake is

    NAMES include/wx/wx.h

"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\wxWidgets_is1;Inno Setup: App Path]" # WX 2.6.x
    DOC "wxWidgets base/installation directory?"

and since you don't tell cmake where it is (did you set the wxWIN environment variable?), it uses the HKEY_LOCAL thingy. This returns C:\lsfdhfdslfs and altough cygwin might be able to cope with the \ the : is definitely a separator for paths in cygwin, and therefore cmake looks in C and in /lsfdhfdslfs and will not find it. Therefore I would propose that you set the WXWIN variable to the correct path in cygwin style and then it might work. And that are exactly the reasons why I went away from mixing non-native tools with native tools. I don't like the Windows shell as well, but at least there are no such troubles.


Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 3:02 AM, Bill Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Werner Smekal wrote:
Hi Mathieu,

first I would use the standard Windows CLI and not cygwin, if you intend
to use VC++ and NMake. I normally tell cmake where to find the correct
version of wxWidgets via

-DwxWidgets_LIB_DIR=path_to_lib_dir -DwxWidgets_CONFIGURATION=msw

In addition regarding your output, this line


suggests, that you need to add the path to wxrc to the standard PATH
environment variable. But I don't use you combination of tools, and would
also suggest not to do so. VC++ and NMake are native Win32 tools and there
is no need to use cygwin.

However, there should not a problem using cygwin with nmake.  Most of my
cmake development is done with visual studio and cygwin gmake, used to be
nmake before dual core machines came out, and nmake does not handle parallel

I am also using cygwin/rxvt and have a bunch of scripts to init vars
(INCLUDE/LIB...), I have been very pleased with them so far, and there
is no way for me to start using the 'cmd' thingy....

Is this a valid path on your machine:
WX_adv:FILEPATH=/wxWidgets-2.8.7/lib/vc_lib/wxmsw28_adv.lib ?

nope, it's is missing the c:/. Doing a sed solved my issue, but I
really do not understand what is going on with cmake 2.6 during the
inspection. This is on my laptop at home, and some of the network (Z:,
Y: and X: were disconected at the time, but other than creating
slowdown it should not affect cmake bahavior).

Mathieu, where is wx*.lib located on your machine?

WX_adv:FILEPATH=c:/wxWidgets-2.8.7/lib/vc_lib/wxmsw28_adv.lib ?

works for me.

Dr. Werner Smekal
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
Technische Universitaet Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr 8-10
A-1040 Wien

web:   http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/~smekal
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       +43-(0)1-58801-13469 (laboratory)
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