Emmanuel Blot wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using CMake (2.6) to build several C and C++ projects.
> I'd like to add another project which would be a pure Python project:
> CMake would simply have to invoke Python script (which in turn generates
> an output file based on two input files).
> What would be the rules to do so ?
> I've tried ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND and ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET with no luck:
> CMake does create the Makefile files, but running "make" simply does
> nothing (no error, simply does nothing)


The command

  add_custom_command(OUTPUT myout.txt COMMAND ...)

tells CMake how to generate myout.txt.  Then you have to tell CMake you
want to generate it by depending on the output from a target.  The
target can either be an executable you're already building:

  add_executable(myexe myexe.c myout.txt)

or a custom target:

  add_custom_target(MyDriverTarget ALL DEPENDS myout.txt)

The "ALL" option makes the custom target build by default.

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