It is alright now Alex. When I put the INSTALL paths in the actual directories themselves, rather than the top directory, it all worked fine. It put the executable in 'Program Files' which I really did not expect, and missed it.

Basically, I had the main directory, GPMAD, and three subdirectories. Each of the subdirectories is an individual project, one an executable, the other two libraries to which the executable refers.

The complication is that I am trying to use cmake with the nVidia CUDA programming language. I have a cmake script from MIT, but it is a whole bunch of fun. When I get the last of it sorted, I shall post for all to refer to.

Thank you,


Quoting Alexander Neundorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Tuesday 10 June 2008, Michael Salt wrote:
Thanks Alex,

The trouble is that at the moment, my targets (.exe, .dll) are built
in a directory within the 'build' folder. Of course, the contents of
the build folder are not generated until I run cmake, so I actually
have nowhere to put the CMakeLists.txt file. I do not want to create

I don't understand.
The CMakeLists.txt should be on the source dir.
Can you please explain ?

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