hi, i have two questions: i'm building a VS 2005 project with cmake 2.6 *FIRST *i want to set different flags in debug and release build so i wrote this
if(MSVC_VERSION) #flags dans le cas release IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Release|Win32) set_target_properties(helloDemo PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:X86 /MANIFEST /NOLOGO /DEBUG /mktyplib203" COMPILE_FLAGS "/GF /Od /W3 /Z7 /Od /MTd /NOLOGO" ) Endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Release|Win32) #flags dans le cas debug IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug|Win32) set_target_properties(helloDemo PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /INCREMENTAL:NO /MACHINE:X86 /MANIFEST /NOLOGO /DEBUG /mktyplib203" COMPILE_FLAGS "/GF /Od /W3 /Z7 /Od /MTd" ) ENDIF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug|Win32) endif(MSVC_VERSION) the difference is the presence of INCREMENTAL:NO in debug. My problem is now that in VS project i have NO in Realease and Yes in release for INCREMENTAL. is it normal? is there a problem in my code? *FINALLY* i want to have a different name format for my shared libraries names. originally they are like lib1_so and it will be generated lib_so.dll but i want it to be lib1d_so in while in debug. all i've seen are prefix postfix and suffix which do not give the result. Thanks for help Ingrid
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