Phil Smith wrote:
But then it complains that there's no CMakeLists.txt in the
Anyway, I wasn't clear: the same person isn't likely to be doing z/OS
and Windows on the same machine. But since the same CMakeLists.txt is to
be used, I didn't want to hard-code anything in there. I've changed to
-G -- somehow I missed that before (I did look, honest!).

You really want out of source builds. You have to give the path to the source tree. First make sure the source tree you are working on has not had cmake run on it (no CMakeCache.txt, or other generated files). Then, you do this:

cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" ../path/to/your/source

Note, the ../path/to/your/source.  That is important.

Now, I'm sort of inclined to declare victory for now. But should I?
Are those "failed" messages significant? I was brought up not to ignore
errors without understanding them!

Failing on check size of is not a good thing, and I would track that down if I were you...

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