Am Samstag, 2. August 2008 01:21:01 schrieb Leopold Palomo Avellaneda:
> A Dissabte 02 Agost 2008, Hendrik Sattler va escriure:
> > Am Samstag, 2. August 2008 00:41:11 schrieb Leopold Palomo Avellaneda:
> > > I understand that you have to add:
> > >
> > >  class MYLIB_EXPORT MyClass
> > >
> > > for all the classes,
> > > but also for the structs , and functions?
> >
> > If a class is exported,  its member functions also get exported. For
> > non-member function, this must also be added. Structs and classes are
> > roughly the same in C++ (different initialisation) but unless they
> > include functions (not function pointers), the do not need to be exported
> > (you don't link to it).
> >
> > BTW: With gcc >= 4 on linux, you may also want to use
> > #define MYLIB_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
> > and compile with -fvisibility=hidden. That allows to not export symbols
> > for internal classes and it's faster at runtime.
> faster in terms of?

Time to link the library at application start.

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