Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>   I can reproduce my infinite dependencie problem. Every time I type
> 'make' it redoes the swig step, using cmake 2.4.5 I cannot reproduce
> the issue.
>   How do I track this thing down ? Otherwise steps are simply:
> svn co
> mkdir bla
> cd  bla
> /tmp/cmake-2.6.1-Linux-i386/bin/cmake ../trunk
> exit code should be '0'
> now retype 'make':
> [ 73%] Built target gdcmMSFF
> [ 73%] Swig source

I ran "make VERBOSE=1" and see this line:

Deleting primary custom command output
".../Wrapping/Python/gdcmPYTHON_wrap.cxx" because another output
".../Wrapping/Python/" does not exist.

I see that is located in bin instead of Wrapping/Python.  This
means that the OUTPUT option given to ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND for this rule
is specifying the wrong location for the file.  It's probably a bug in
the UseSwig.cmake file.  Perhaps you can find it from there and/or open
a bug report.

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