OK, once I get it working for real, I'll do this.

But I think I confused you. ZOS is the OS (really z/OS). System z is the 
hardware platform. Dignus is the compiler.

So shouldn't the files be named Systemz-Dignus-C.cmake etc.?

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Neundorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 5:32 PM
To: Phil Smith
Cc: cmake@cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] Cross-compiling for z/OS -- linker question

On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Phil Smith wrote:
> Re the link command, thanks:
>         SET(CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE   "c:/progra~1/dignus/linkit.bat -o
> ./<TARGET> <OBJECTS>") seems to be working much better!
> As for the ForceCompiler stuff, I think I understand what you're getting
> at, but am reluctant to be quite that pure since it's likely to require a
> bunch more tinkering.

Not much :-)

> For historical reasons, Dignus is really, really
> unlikely to add any more compilers, and are equally unlikely to support any
> other hardware platforms.  Also for historical reasons, the various IBM
> OSes for z are interoperable, so the OS doesn't seem relevant.

Yes, so we only need a ZOS-Dignus-C.cmake and ZOS-Dignus-CXX.cmake (and a
ZOS.cmake, which won't contain a lot).

> I hate
> everything I've just written -- I believe strongly in the purity of such
> things, having been burned far too often by folks NOT bothering -- but find
> myself unwilling to make the investment this time.

If you want it to go into cmake cvs, it is necessary.

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