Hi CMakers!

CMake is a great tool for cross-platform development, thanks!

There is just one thing that is disturbing my workflow: After searching the forums, and coming up with no working solution, I would like to ask about including headers in a Visual C++ 2008 project with cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008". Without including them, a lot of IDE features like code completion (IntelliSense), class browser, search and replace, and the file browser are broken for things that are in a library project's headers, so it is not really a cosmetic but a real productivity issue.

The problem is, CMake seems not to provide an option to specifically include the .h files explicitly as headers, but only as source files like the .cpp files. It might have worked in previous versions of Visual Studio, I have not tested it, but in 2008, the compiler tries to compile the .h files if they are passed as parameters to add_library or add_executable as the mailinglist archives suggest for previous versions of Visual Studio.

When opening the generated Visual C++ 2008 project, the header files are there and even in the right filter folder since I use source_group() and file(GLOB_RECURSE ...). However, when I compile, the compiler tries to compile the header files as if they were .cpp files, which leads to all kinds of strange results - from warnings about no public symbols for object file to linker errors about undefined external symbols for functions that are declared in a .h file, but implemented in a .cpp file.

It seems the root of the problem is that CMake adds them as source files, not as headers, but there must be another way to do it - probably we need to file a bug?


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