Never mind, I found it in the 'FILE' command...

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 10:26 AM, kent williams
> I am CMake-izing a non-CMake project -- or rather we have CMake-ized
> it, and are doing some clean up.
> We have a testing shell script that I'm converting to CTest tests.
> The first thing it does is create a directory where it drops all the
> testing output.
> I'd like to do the same thing -- create a directory as a child of
> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} to drop files created via testing.
> How do I do that in CMake?  I've done some googling and reading
> through the documentation without seeing any clues.
> I know that CMake itself uses portable routines (from kwsys) to make
> directories, but that isn't exposed anywhere.
> Do I need to write a CMake Macro for this, so that Unix and OSX do
> mkdir -p "${PATH_TO_MAKE}"
> and Windows does
> cmd.exe /e:on /c mkdir "${PATH_TO_MAKE}"
> ?
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