On 10/5/08, Alexander Neundorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sunday 05 October 2008, Oliver Dole wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  >
>  > I have a link problem with cmake on Linux.
>  > I work on owb, a webkit based browser, which uses cmake as build
>  > system. Here is how my cmake system works:
>  > - build balwtf.a, kjs.a and webcore.a
>  > - build libwebkit.so which requires balwtf.a, kjs.a and webcore.a
>  > - then I build owb.
>  >
>  > >From my point of view to do a correct link on linux, I simply should do:
>  >
>  > g++ -c main.cpp.o -lwebkit -o owb
>  > Unfortunately, by default cmake transitively links to targets with
>  > which the library itself was linked.
>  > so my link is currently the following:
>  > g++ -c main.cpp.o -lwebkit -Wl,--whole-archive -lbalwtf -lkjs
>  > -lwebcore.... -o owb
> Does cmake support whole-archive now ? I didn't know that.
kind of...
I have done the followig "ugly" thing to make cmake support it:
set(WEBKKIT_LD_FLAGS "-Wl,-whole-archive -lbalwtf -lkjs -lwebcore

>  > It seems that there is something to do with LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES
>  > to remove the default behaviour, but I do not know what. So any help
>  > on how to archieve that is welcome.
> Please use at cmake >= 2.6.2.
>  Then specifiy the "link interface" of webkit, it's now done with a new
>  argument to target_link_libraries().
>  target_link_libraries(webkit kjs balwtf webcore)
>  target_link_libraries(webkit LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES )  <- makes the "link
>  interface" empty.
>  I hope I remember correctly, since I didn't test this right now.
Thanks, after an update to cmake 2.6.2 it perfectly works.

>  Alex
>  >
>  > Regards,
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Olivier DOLE
Software Engineer
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