Sam Baker wrote:
Thanks Eric - I'm so used to having the executable project be the
default project for debugging, I didn't think of making the INSTALL
project default. That does work and I can still debug as long as I tell
it where the exe is.

That doesn't work so well for my more complex Tools project that has
multiple executables in the solution since I then need to switch default
projects to debug different apps but I can put up with that for now and
look at the add_custom_command options later.

Is it possible to build the solution's INSTALL project as a post
step for a target? I realize that may not make much sense outside of
visual studio projects. The install is specific to the game whereas the
libraries shouldn't be building with knowledge of the game so the
coupling isn't ideal.

Thanks again!

I don't think most folks would want this. You can right click on a target in vs and build it, you don't have to make it the default project. For most developers, you do lots of building and testing before you install, and they would not want to install every time.

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