2008/11/6 Michael Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Nov 6, 2008, at 3:02 PM, Eric (Brad) Lemings wrote:
>> Michael Jackson wrote:
>>> Are you using a dedicated build directory or are you running cmake
>>> directly from your source directory? If the latter.. STOP.. don't do
>>> that. If you use a dedicated build directory then cleaning up from
>>> cmake is as simple as rm -rf Build/ and there are no worries about
>>> adding to source control because none of the build products are within
>>> your source directories. Does this make sense?
>> As a developer, I nearly always keep source and build directories
>> separate.  As a user however -- when I want to just download and install
>> some particular software package -- I almost never go through the
>> trouble of building outside of the source tree.  I suspect this is the
>> case for many developers/users.  So saying that one approach over the
>> other is "bad" depends on your perspective.
>> Two cents.

Yes you are right, but in fact if we were able to totally forbid the in-source
build the average user may not be trapped into the [possibly] bad choice,
thus a feature request I posted som time ago:


> And you do this _because_ you are used to the ./configure, make, make
> install of autotools. CMake is slightly different and should be treated as
> such.
> mkdir Build
> cd Build
> cmake ../
> make
> make install.
> All this is asking is 2 extra commands.

You may perfectly do that with autotools too:

mkdir build
cd build
make install

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