2008/11/12 Cristóvão Sousa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wednesday 12 November 2008 12:58:08 "Eric Noulard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> 2008/11/12 Cristóvão Sousa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >
>> > This works fine, but is a little bit annoying having to place
>> > "include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/base)"
>> > in the Exec/CMakeLists.txt file. (because in the real project
>> > I use a lot of pure template libraries which include a lot of
>> > other libraries, and often I don't remember them all.)
>> >
>> 1) add them explicitely to your exe sources files:
>> 2) Or may be defining "template lib"
> This two doesn't help because I also need to know which are the hpp files
> included by the one the executable includes. (This is true for compiled
> libraries too, right?)

Yes, when executable uses "classical" lib you have to:


>> 3) export them somewhere in your build tree and include_directory  the
>> choosen place:
>>    Libbase/CMakeLists.txt :
>>    CONFIGURE_FILE(base.hpp build_include)

this is a mistake one should read:

      CONFIGURE_FILE(base.hpp build_include/base.hpp @COPYONLY)

>>    Libderiv/CMakeLists.txt :
>>    CONFIGURE_FILE(deriv.hpp build_include)

same here:

      CONFIGURE_FILE(deriv.hpp build_include/deriv.hpp @COPYONLY)

>>    Exec/CMakeLists.txt :
>>    include_directories(build_include)
>>    set(exec_SRCS main.cpp)
>>    add_executable(exec ${exec_SRCS})
> This is a little better, however I cannot managed to define "build_include"

build_include in my example was meant to be a directory name located
in the build tree.
CONFIGURE_FILE(deriv.hpp build_include/deriv.hpp @COPYONLY)
should create the directory if needed, if it is not the case you should
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY build_include) before

You may specify it using absolute path:


> correctly. I set(BUILD_INCS_DIR ./build_incs), but no good...

Sorry for the wrong tips

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