Need a bug opened for this or is it trivial enough to fix on the spot?

I'm taking another look at a script that auto-generates command and keyword lists (for a highlighter for KDE's kate). The deltas in the command list are all either reordering or ITK/VTK stuff... except for 'unset', which has a --help-command entry but isn't in the commands list. The keywords list has quite a few more deltas, for which I may start either complaining or opening bugs about (especially ones I know are legitimate). My goal here would be to have cmake fully documented, meaning that all useful keywords appear in the --help<whatever> output.

@neundorf: do we really want ITK/VTK commands in the generic highlighter? If "yes" I'm going to move them to their own section; since cmake does not document them they get (correctly, IMO) removed from the main list.

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