On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 7:22 PM, Tron Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am creating a CMake configured project that uses the CxxTest unit testing
> framework for testing various components.
> When I build the test target that runs the test, and there are failures,
> CTest will report that the test fail, and it doesn't provide the details
> about what the failures were.
> How can I configure my test target so that it will produce the output from
> CxxTest that explains why certain tests failed?

Use the "-V" flag (verbosity) to see the output of a failed test.  You can
also use this in conjunction with the other flags to limit the tests
preformed (see "-E" for example).

Also, if you haven't found it already, this may be of interest:

Philip Lowman
CMake mailing list

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