Le Fri, 12 Dec 2008 01:50:29 -0500,
"Philip Lowman" <phi...@yhbt.com> a écrit :

> >>
> >>  There's an open bug to fix this here:
> > http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=8173
> >
> > But no reaction so far...
> Obviously many bugs in the tracker aren't getting dealt with (don't
> know why).  Perhaps Kitware should recruit some more people to help
> with triage? There are 83 in the new state at the current time.
> Obviously Boost issues are falling through the cracks along with many
> other bugs. :(

I'm no Kitware employee but so far I think that at least
for FindBoost.cmake (or other maintained Find modules)
the bugs should be handled directly by its maintainer:

May be it's worth asking Andreas if it is currently
the way it works.

Trying to ask the maintainer for its support would relieve
the pressure on Kitware which seems to get higher and higher
with the gorwing usage of CMake.

I think it may not scale well if "only" handled by Kitware.

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