On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Pierrick Grasland <
pierrick.grasl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> I though I resolved my problem, but not.
> Actually,  my project can link gtk2 with my C source file, with the
> following include :
> #include <gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h>
> But, within gtk.h, gtk includes are linked with the following :
> #include <gtk/gdk.h> (for example)
> So, I can't build since I don't have access to my widgets.
> Like before, my CMakeLists.txt is something like that :
> SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "/home/bobby/workspace/SipSec/gui")
> include_directories (${GTK2_INCLUDE_DIRS})
> set( GUI_SRC gtkCallback.c interface.c widgetUI.c)
> add_library (sipsecgui  ${GUI_SRC} )
> target_link_libraries(sipsecgui ${GTK2_LIBRARIES} )
> How can I tell CMake to link Gtk2 as <gtk/*> instead of <gtk-2.0/gtk/*> ?

> Any ideas someone ?

I could probably help you add a hack to FindGTK2 to get what you want but
I'm pretty sure nearly everyone else out there uses the #include <gtk/*>

The best thing for you to do would be to fix your #includes and in whatever
build system you're currently using just ensure "/usr/include/gtk-2.0" is in
the include path (I suspect it's already there otherwise you would have had
the same compilation issues you have now with your widgets).

If you have a lot of source files you could use the "sed" tool along with a
regular expression to accomplish your fix (make backups first obviously).

Philip Lowman
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