
I am building a program with CMake and compiling it with visual
studio 2005 (VC 8). The program needs some .dll files which do not
exist in the output directory in which the output executable file is written. So when I run the program, I get the message that a dll file is missing etc. My question is: can I tell the program in CMake where the dll files are?

CMake has not much to do with this, you could write a custom command to copy the dlls into the same directory where the executable is. But there is no need for that. You just must make sure, that the dlls are found. Read this:


So either add the directory of the dlls to the PATH environment variable, either system wide or only for the application, or put it in the Windows directory (wouldn't do that ;).

Or can I force the program to link these dlls at linking-time so that
they are not needed at runtime?

For this you would need static libraries not shared ones. It's the purpose of the shared libraries not to be linked in into the program.


Many thanks,
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Dr. Werner Smekal
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
Technische Universitaet Wien
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A-1040 Wien

email: sme...@iap.tuwien.ac.at
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