Gopala Krishna wrote:
Hi, I have come across a buggy percentage reporting.

To produce the bug:
1) Run cmake on a project directory (i used kdesdk)
2) I then started 'make' in <builddir>/kdesdk/umbrello and waited
until progress rose up to some arbitrary 23%
3) I invoked 'make' in another terminal in the <builddir>/kdesdk/kate
directory while the previos make was progressing.
4) kate started properly with 0% while umbrello make suddenly started
again from 0%

In brief, I ran "cmake" on an outer directory and invoked "make" in
the sub-directories of outer directory at different times, yet in
And after the invocation of latest make, the percentage reporting of
previous 'make' invocation dropped to 0%

OT: I am developing a plasmoid to show the make progress output for
cmake based make files which is where i came across this behavior.

Here is the sample terminal output

The progress reporting only supports one make at a time in the build tree.

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