2009/1/30 Jonatan Bijl <jonatan.b...@tba.nl>:
> I have now set up the tree so that the executables can be run
> immediately from where they are created. I use configure_file to copy
> the files. The problem is now, that every time I do a re-configure, the
> files (including a dll that is very big) are copied. Is there a way of
> making sure the files are copied *only* when they are renewed?

I thought configure_file would only copy the file if it has changed
not that you should use COPYONLY
configure_file(InputFile OutputFile COPYONLY)
however if it is not the case you may replace your configure_file with

EXECUTE_PROCESS(${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different InputFile OutputFile)

> (and also making sure they are removed when the original is removed?)

don't really know how to do that

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