I have the following macro for generation of c++ source from a proprietary
IDL language:

macro (oidl_generate IDL_SOURCES IDL_INCLUDE_DIRS)
  message (STATUS "IDL Sources: ${IDL_SOURCES}")
  foreach (idlsrc ${IDL_SOURCES})
    get_filename_component (idlsrc_file ${idlsrc} NAME_WE)
    get_filename_component (idlsrc_path ${idlsrc} PATH)
    set (outsrc_file
    set (outsrc_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${idlsrc_path})
    set (omegaprotocols_SOURCES ${omegaprotocols_SOURCES} ${outsrc_file})
    set_source_files_properties ($outsrc_file PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS
    set (insrc_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${idlsrc})
    make_directory (${outsrc_path})
    add_custom_command (
      OUTPUT ${outsrc_file}
      DEPENDS oidl
      COMMAND oidl ${insrc_file} -m -dynamic -O ${outsrc_path}
  endforeach ()
endmacro ()

I call the macro from another CMakeLists.txt file:

include (OidlRules)
message (STATUS "IDL Sources from protocols: ${omegaprotocols_IDL_SOURCES}")
oidl_generate (${omegaprotocols_IDL_SOURCES} ${omegaprotocols_IDL_INCLUDES})

Inside of my macro, the status message indicates that ${IDL_SOURCES} is not
getting expanded to the full list, but is instead giving me the first
element of the list I passed in.  In my CMakeLists.txt file, before I call
the macro, status message indicates that the ${omegaprotocols_IDL_SOURCES}
value is the expected full list.  Is anything special required when passing
lists as arguments to macros?

Many thanks,
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