I think it's just a semicolon problem. Unfortunately for all of us Windows
PATH and CMake both use ";" as their list separator character.

And the set_test_properties ENVIRONMENT property is a semicolon delimited
list of name1=value1;name2=value2;name3=value3;...etc...

To embed ; characters inside of a value, try this after setting NEWPATH and
before calling set_test_properties:

Let us know if it works for you...


On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Scott Gray <sg...@inventa.com> wrote:

> While trying to research the answer to my question about how to make your
> test program locate its dependent DLL's (see my previous posting entitled
> "add_test and locating dependent DLL's on Windows"), I decided to try the
> recently added ENVIRONMENT property of set_tests_properties to set the PATH
> for the test program. I *think* I have found an issue with it, but before I
> open a bug, I wanted to check to see if this isn't operator error.
> First, I created a very simple test program:
> ===== BEGIN: Env_test.cpp ======
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> void main (int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>   char *p = getenv("PATH");
>   fprintf(stdout, "PATH = %s\n", p);
> }
> ===== END: Env_test.cpp ======
> And then the CMakeLists.txt
> ===== BEGIN: CMakeLists.txt ======
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.7)
> enable_testing()
> add_executable (Env_test Env_test.cpp)
> add_test (Env_test Env_test)
>       set (NEWPATH "C:\\some_dir1;C:\\some_dir2;$ENV{PATH}")
>       message("NEWPATH = ${NEWPATH}")
>       set_tests_properties(Env_test PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT
> endif()
> ===== END: CMakeLists.txt ======
> When I run 'cmake -G "Visual Studio 8 2005"', I get the message:
>   NEWPATH = C:\some_dir1;C:\some_dir2;C:\Program Files\CollabNet...
> And if I run Env_test.exe by hand, it properly prints out whatever my
> current PATH is.
> However, when I run ctest, the output contained in the LastTest.log shows:
> Start testing: May 12 14:03 Eastern Daylight Time
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Changing directory into: C:/cmake_bug
> 1/1 Testing: Env_test
> 1/1 Test: Env_test
> Command: "C:/cmake_bug/debug/Env_test.exe"
> Directory: C:/cmake_bug
> "Env_test" start time: May 12 14:03 Eastern Daylight Time
> Output:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> PATH = C:\some_dir1^M
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Test Passed.
> "Env_test" end time: May 12 14:03 Eastern Daylight Time
> "Env_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> End testing: May 12 14:03 Eastern Daylight Time
> No matter what I set the PATH to in my CMakeLists.txt, the test program
> always dumps on the first component of the path leading up to the first
> semicolon in the path.
> So, is this operator error or a bug in the new feature?  Oh, I'm running on
> last night's build of cmake (version 2.7.20090512).
> Thanks,
> -scott
> --
> Scott C. Gray
> Chief Technologist
> ANTs Software, Inc.
> Inventa Technologies, Inc.
> (W) 856-914-5212
> (C) 609-304-3429
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