On 19.05.09 09:42:26, Zach Laine wrote:
> As for debugging FindQt4.cmake, surely I'm not the only person ever to
> try to use FindQt4 with qt3-devel and qt4-devel, plus another
> user-installed Qt version.

Well, judging by my brains history of this list, you're certainly the first
to have this particular problem.

> If it's finding the wrong qmake, it's surely my fault for using it wrong,
> not the FindQt4.cmake file.

Right, but to find out thats the case you need to print some messages from
FindQt4.cmake so you _know_ exactly which qmake it executes when trying to
find the include dirs.

>  I'm just trying to figure out the script-fu necessary to get it to play
>  nicely.

Then why not eliminate the possibility of FindQt4.cmake having a bug? That
would be the first thing for me to do, if a minimal script such as the one
you've just tried already produces a problem.


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