2009/8/14 Michael Wild <them...@gmail.com>:
> I also noticed that ccmake always modifies the cache. But that in itself
> should NOT cause a complete rebuild of your project. On the next `make' it
> should only re-configure and regenerate the build system, and then print a
> list of all targets as Make checks them all, but nothing should be compiled
> or linked.

Agreed same here.
CMake 2.6.4 on Linux.

I should add that on my side ONLY ccmake and make edit_cache do
unconditionnally modify the cache.

cmake-gui does NOT do that, Dominik can you confirm that your cmake-gui
does modify the cache?

The modification seems to concern, this var:

//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL

"ccmake" and "make edit_cache" do suppress this var unconditionnally
and rewrite the CMakeCache.txt

> Is it possible that in your CMake code you unconditionally modify (e.g.
> re-create) a central header file, such as config.h? If you do that, Make
> will think everything else is out-of-date and recompile. But if you either
> use configure_file or add_custom_command, things should be fine. file(WRITE
> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h ...) would cause troubles!

That may be the reason but I think Dominik is right the unconditionnal
of the CMakeCache.txt is not an expected behavior and deserve a bug report.

Dominik would you like to file the bug report?

In the meantime, I think cmake-gui seems to be more CMakeCache.txt friendly

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