have a relatively simple cmake file that has generated a great big
Makefile (and associated CMake files) that compiles my project just
fine when I invoke it from the bash shell, simply by typing 'make'.

When I configure eclipse to do the same thing (simply calling make in the same 
directory) it also works fine the first time.
however, if I edit some code in eclipse and fire up the debuger
again, it halts with some error. the error is non-descriptive,
something like 'error 2', even in VERBOSE mode. 

What could possibly be different in eclipse that could cause it to
work the first time, but halt with an error the next time, when only a
single file needs to be rebuilt? yet the exact same command 'make' from
the shell works every time...

I tried copying my entire shell path into the eclipse debug config path - it 
didnt help.

(I notice that some of the commands generated by the Makefil are very long, 
like 400 characters - would that cause something about the eclipse environment 
to barf?  Im clutching at straws here...)


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