Zitat von Marcel Loose <lo...@astron.nl>:
Would it be worthwhile to add Python as a valid language to the
project() method? Or is it better to use the currently available
FindPython-like scripts.

My reason for asking is that oftentimes you'd like to byte-compile
Python source and install these byte-compiled files along with the
Python sources. If Python were a fully supported programming language,
then you could write the CMakeLists.txt files more or less the same way
as for other languages (e.g., like Java).

It's just a thought, and maybe I'm overlooking all kinds of potential

Citing from http://effbot.org/zone/python-compile.htm:
Python?s byte code is portable between platforms, but not necessarily between Python releases.

Unless your python module is for only one specific version or you know the python interpreter version on all installation targets, you better leave it up to the installer to compile the module (the page shows trivial code in python to do this).

Something different would be to get complete application binaries. However, that somehow defeats one purpose of using Python.


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