Nevermind worked on a wrong copy, it now works!

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:00 PM, motes motes <> wrote:
> I have just created a build folder for an application using ITK with
> CMake on Ubuntu 9.04.
> I have then entered the build folder from a terminal and typed 'make'.
> I then get a list of errors:
> ...
> home/mort/lib/compute_metric.h:22: error: expected `;' before ‘transform’
> home/mort/lib/compute_metric.h:23: error: expected `;' before ‘metric’
> home/mort/lib/compute_metric.h:24: error: expected `;' before ‘interpolator’
> home/mort/lib/compute_metric.h:26: error: ‘transform’ was not declared
> in this scope
> home/mort/lib/compute_metric.h:27: error: ‘metric’ was not declared in
> this scope
> home/mort/lib/compute_metric.h:28: error: ‘interpolator’ was not
> declared in this scope
> '''
> I have tried to remove the lines causing these errors from the file
> 'compute_metric.h' and then running 'make' again from the build
> folder. But I just get the same error as if make are running through
> the old version (before removing the lines of code) of the file.
> Any ideas on why make does not see the updates made in the 'compute_metric.h' 
> ?
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