Le 29 oct. 09 à 13:07, Mathieu Malaterre a écrit :
Sorry but -again- I do not like your proposed fix. jni_md.h and jawt.h should be found within the same subdirectory as jni.h (by contract). So something like (not tested): <...> FIND_PATH(JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH jni.h ${JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} ) # ok we found jni.h, now derive other location from it: get_filename_component(jni_path ${JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} PATH) FIND_PATH(JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 jni_md.h ${jni_path} ${jni_path}/win32 ${jni_path}/linux ${jni_path}/freebsd ) FIND_PATH(JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH jawt.h ${jni_path} ) <...>
Sorry, not fully related, but this list of OS-specific directories recalls me that the JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 was not found automatically on solaris and OpenSolaris.
Here are the paths where those files are located on Solaris 10u7. /usr/j2se/include/solaris/jni_md.h /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/include/solaris/jni_md.h /usr/j2se/include/jni.h /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/include/jni.h /usr/j2se/include/jawt.h /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/include/jawt.h The "solaris" subdir is also used on OpenSolaris. Maybe JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 should get an extra directory where to search? FIND_PATH(JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 jni_md.h ${jni_path} ${jni_path}/win32 ${jni_path}/linux ${jni_path}/freebsd ${jni_path}/solaris ) Regards, Gaëtan -- Gaëtan Lehmann Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France) tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66 fax: 01 34 65 29 09 http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr http://www.itk.org http://www.mandriva.org http://www.bepo.fr
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