On 1. Nov, 2009, at 16:27 , elizabeta petreska wrote:


I am using Windows ansd Cmake 2.6. I am invoking CMake from command window which has set some environment variables. The environment variables are
visible only the during the lifetime of the command window.
I am using the environment  variables in many places through my
cmakelists.txt , for example in INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, LINK_LIBRARIES etc. The
environment  variables are mainly set with file path strings.

Problem :
When I am working in Visual Studio on my project, if my cmakelists.txt for
the project is changed, Cmake is rerun from Visual Studio.
Because  Cmake is run from Visual Studio , and not the shell where the
environment  variables are set , it can't recognize the environment
variables. How to overcome this ?

Somewhere short after the PROJECT command, put something like this:

foreach(_var VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4)
  if(NOT DEFINED ${_var})
set(${_var} "$ENV{${_var}}" CACHE INTERNAL "This is my super variable ${_var}")

This will initialize internal cache variables with the values from the environment, and then in subsequent runs use the values from the cache.


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