On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Mark Jones <mark.jones1...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi David,
> My path at work is 1907 characters long right now.

Holy long PATH value, Batman!

> If I have some spare time soon, I'll try it again to see what happens.  I
> don't know if PATH length is the key, it is just something I wondered about
> since that is a definite difference between home and work (though there are
> many other differences too).

I'll try again with a variable set to the same (quite unreasonably long :-)
length as yours...

Out of curiosity, and so I can try to reproduce your conditions as closely
as possilble, how many components add up to 1907 characters? And this is
just your USER PATH value, which is then appended to the all users PATH
value when running programs as your user...?

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