2010/1/14 Michael Wild <them...@gmail.com>:
> Exactly, and having simple "VCR-controls" to build and install (and perhaps 
> clean) would be enough for those users. They don't want to look at the IDE or 
> the source code, they just want to build and install. Heck, it would be 
> enough for me in the most cases (I don't like IDE's, I'm a Vim person). As a 
> nice feature one could add a menu-entry to run CPack to create a native 
> installer.
> I think that cmake-gui could be the central place to drive simple 
> configuration, build, packaging and installation from. For the fancy stuff 
> the user will have to use the native generator (i.e. everything that can't be 
> driven through cmake and cmake --build), but that's probably OK, these users 
> won't mind.

I like the idea and it seems reasonable however since cmake has two UI:
may be it's worth adding those feature to both UI ?

I mean being able to download source run ccmake and end-up with a
installable package
(TGZ, RPM, DEB)  etc... would be nice too.

Todays you may do it with an extra "make package" after you run ccmake
not a big deal
but the UI may let you chose the type of [supported] installer package you want.

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