Ryan Pavlik wrote:
> I took a quick look at your MySQL script and can offer these
> suggestions:


Thank you very much for your valuable comments
and I'm going to improve my scripts according them.

> - Be sure to set the plural versions of the variables (INCLUDE_DIRS, 
> LIBRARIES) to include the dependencies (these should not be cached),
> and leave the singular version for just a single path/file (these
> should be cached, as by default

Good point. I'll have to re-read the Modules/readme.txt guidelines

> In your emailed example: I presume the mylib in step 2 is different
> than the mylib in step 1 and 3/4, because otherwise you have an
> infinitely-recursive find script. Please clarify, preferably with an
> actual example.

It's an interesting observation. I'm not

> If the lib in step 2 is a dependency, convention varies, but it seems
>  prudent to me to always find dependencies quietly: this prevents
> them from showing up in lists from FeatureSummary, etc.  Anything you
> require in that dependency package should be passed to your 
> find_package_handle_standard_args call which will make the
> appropriate noises if it shouldn't be quiet and it can't be found.

OK, I think I got the point.

> If you're not doing find scripts that depend on other find scripts,

All the scripts I've written so far are standalone scripts.

> then look in the archives from a month or so ago: I posted some
> "sample" find scripts that are modern and clean in style.

You mean the mailing list archives or a repository?

> You can also take a peek at everything except FindDirectShow.cmake (I
> didn't write that one or rewrite it beyond running my cleanup app on
> it, and it's sorely in need of work) here:
> http://github.com/rpavlik/vrpn/tree/master/vrpn/cmake/

Great, I'll check it.

> Hope this helps!

Absolutely, it helps! I'm glad getting my scripts reviewed.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
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