On 3/10/10 1:35 PM, Magnus Therning wrote:
> I'm completely new to CMake, even though I've heard of it before this
> is the first time I have a closer look at it.  Actually this was
> prompted by the interview in FLOSS Weekly :-)
> Currently I have a rather large OCaml project, which uses OMake.
> There are several things I'd like to improve on the build system, the
> most pressing being to add generation of RPMs.  CMake seems to offer
> some very compelling improvements over OMake, including built-in
> support for generating RPMs :-)
> I found a discussion on this mailing list from January this year on
> adding OCaml support[1], but that seems to have died out without any
> clear resolution.  I also had a quick look at the CMake source tree
> and found no mention of OCaml among the file names.
> What is the current state of OCaml support in CMake?
> If it's still non-existent what options do I have?  (I should probably
> make clear that I'd *really* want to avoid having to write any macros
> myself.  Using macros copied from some other project would be much
> better ;-)

PLplot has OCAML bindings and uses CMake to configure anything, look here:


You might ask also on the plplot mailing list about details.


> /M
> [1]: http://www.mail-archive.com/cmake@cmake.org/msg26809.html

Dr. Werner Smekal
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