
I have 3 projects, one library and 2 executables. Both executables depends on the library.

The library is legacy stuff, and I don't need to fully convert it to cmake so the cmakelists. txt looks something like this:

add_library(mylib STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION /someloc/mylib.lib)

My executables are full cmake projects and they have the following lines in order to "include" the library:

add_subdirectory (/mylib/src /mylib/bin)

Everything works like a charm, but when I add a dependency

add_dependencies (myproject mylib)

It doesn't work, saying mylib is an unknown target. However, the same things works for other projects which libraries are not imported. Am I doing something wrong ? Or dependency on imported target is not supported ? I know I could simplify my life with target_link_libraries, but I'm trying to build a solid framework which would scale correctly if mylib is converted to a full cmake project one day.

Also, if I'm trying to make a project with both executable in it, with something like:

add_subdirectory (/myexe1/src /myexe1/bin)
add_subdirectory (/myexe2/srr /myexe2/bin)

since both project try to add the same lib, I get an error saying the binary directory is already used (when doing exe2). Is there any way around this problem or do I have to handle this situation manually ?

Thanks a lot for all the help,
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