the solution with a master CMakeLists.txt works well but now I don't
know how to write wrapper for OPTION and SET functions, can you give
me an example?
I'm quite new to cmake so another question is:
what is the diffence between create a xxx-config and the file I create
with INSTALL(EXPORT QXmppClient DESTINATION include/QXmppClient ) ?
They seem to do the same thing but probably I'm missing something....

Nicola Brisotto

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Alexander Neundorf
<a.neundorf-w...@gmx.net> wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 March 2010, Michael Wild wrote:
>> On 17. Mar, 2010, at 15:43 , Luigi Calori wrote:
> ...
>> > Is this ExternalProject_Add feature really used/developed?   I find it
>> > really nice but a little scared of weather it will be really supported
>> > and improved. I have done some patching on it but not know if there is a
>> > group of user/developer eventually interested to submit mods to
>> It is actively used and developed, but also relatively new. If you have
>> improvements, it's best to create a tracker item with a patch and
>> description there and post the link to the item on this list.
> Yes. And git support for it would be a really nice thing to have :-)
> Alex
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