On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 4:05 AM, Marcel Loose <lo...@astron.nl> wrote:
> Hi Chuck,
> Whatever way you look at it, problems will likely arise sooner or later
> with different Boost versions. I ran into this problem
> because /usr/lib/libboost_date_time-mt.so was found
> before /home/loose/boost-1.40.0/lib/libboost_date_time.so.
> My point in turning the loop inside out stems from the fact that there
> are dozens of FindXXX modules that may be vulnerable to the same
> problem. To name a few: FindGTK, FindLua50, FindPNG, FindWxWindows, etc.
> W.r.t. FindBoost, maybe it's wise to use BOOST_ROOT exclusively when
> specified. That would at least preclude the current problems.
> BTW: Is there a reason why I cannot specify options like
> FIND_PACKAGE(), except when using config mode?

You could modify the FIND_PACKAGE() interface to support options like
these and then fix all of the CMake modules to handle the new options.
 Alternatively, there could be a global CMake property or variable for
enabling these.  A combination could also be used (if necessary,
property is set at start of find_package() and subsequently unset at

Philip Lowman
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